Friday, January 20, 2012

Hoarders: Lip Gloss Edition + The Ban

We've seen the lip balm and the lipstick collection already so now it's time to showcase the lip glosses.


Count: 20.

It may be hard to believe but the lip gloss stash used to be half this size up until a few months ago! Since I rarely wear lip gloss I feel it is necessary to put a plug on the lip gloss hoarding. Welcome Larie and her group no buy/limited buy plan. 
Without thinking twice about it, I have volunteered to join in this torturous project.

So starting today up until April 30th, I will not purchase the following items:
mascara, eyeliner, lip gloss, or lip balm (tinted lip balms do not count!). If the aforementioned items pop up in gift sets or pre-packaged sets, those will not count. Otherwise, the ban is pretty straight forward. I figure the shorter and simpler it is, the less room there is for loopholes and more room for victory!

Buuuuut..... if you count a month long break as a loophole then that's the big one. My birthday month (and Liz' - remember that folks!) is March so a break is oh so necessary. The ban will resume as soon as the month is over of course but still, a loophole is a loophole no matter how you justify it.

Although I have fears of failing, I will be strong for my ban buddies; Larie, Liz, and Makeup Morsels. Let's not forget about Tracy, the blush fiend going on a six month long blush ban!
There are more like us and why we torture ourselves like this, I don't know. I just hope we all make it out of our bans sane and maybe even a little bit richer. Wish us luck! 


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Make-Up Kismet is a personal blog written and edited by myself. This blog was created to share my experiences with whom ever reads it.

All reviews posted are written by me and are my honest opinions. All products reviewed are purchased by me for personal and/or review purposes unless stated otherwise. Each person is different, as are our experiences. With that said, I cannot be held responsible for any unsatisfying reaction to a product I review or recommend.

Photos on this blog are either from Google, other Bloggers or, my own. I try to depict all products as accurately as possible. I may edit photos for this purpose.


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