Normally I wouldn't bother mentioning shopping woes on the blog but here's an exception. Also, I don't want anyone else paying more than they should have to.
About a week ago (June 9th), I purchased a My Beauty Diary Alice in Wonderland gift set at T&T Supermarket-Metrotown for $24.99 pre-taxes. It was on sale down from $29.99; not much of a sale now that I think it over.
Two days following (June 11th), I wandered around T&T Supermarket-Renfew to find the same gift set going for $15.99, down from $29.99 as well. Did the math - it's a nine dollar difference from the Metrotown store. Overall, it's practically 50% off the original price whereas the discount at Metrotown is less than 20%.
Less than a week later (June 14th), I went back to T&T Metrotown to get a price adjustment. Hey, I'm too busy to chase store prices but I did send an email to customer service on the 11th. They never responded to me and now the official T&T Supermarket website is down for maintenance. Now I'm unable to get a phone number to contact head of Customer Service. What a load of bologna.
The Alice in Wonderland set is now off the shelves at Metrotown. Perhaps it's sold out but what bothers be most is that in-store customer service say T&T prices vary. Whether or not the locations are different, the prices shouldn't be different by 3o-40%. I'd say 10% is about right.
The rent may cost more at Metrotown but even that is a poor excuse for the difference in costs. T&T Supermarkets is a chain now owned by Loblaws. Loblaws policy allow customers to do price adjustments unless the stores are different by name. The stores aren't different by name, just by location. Even by location, we're not even states or provinces apart so the standard of living should be/is the same.
The customer isn't always right but in this case, I feel that I am.
While I had opened the first gift box, none of the contents were used. Even if I did, I could complain I am unsatisfied with the product and I want a refund. But of course T&T Supermarket won't even allow that. This is what you call a pathetic excuse for a return policy.
Customer Service so far has been unhelpful too.
Unless someone can explain to me all the differences and make me feel better about losing $9 in which I could have used towards buying another box of My Beauty Diary masks, my blog title will not change. T&T Supermarket is stupid.
This is my fair warning to all Burnaby, Vancouver, Surrey, and Coquitlam-residents. It appears that T&T's prices do vary from store to store. If you want to save the most money, go to one unattached to a large mall (Metrotown/Coquitlam).
I'd recommend Renfew's T&T any day since they carry a better variety of masks and for cheapest too. Metrotown does carry a better selection of hair products, cleansing oils, facial cleanser, and body soap.
Just to name a few Asian beauty products sold at T&T Supermarket, they're *hot* products that are highly raved about around Asia:
Hair - Palty, Prettia, Gatsby, Shiseido Tsubaki/Super Mild, Ascience
Skincare - Shiseido Perfect Whip (Cleanser/Oil), HIPITCH Cleansing Oil, Kracie Naive Cleansing Foam(s), Naris Up Skin Conditioner
Perhaps I'm missing a few things but if you've spotted anything special or spectacular at T&T that needs to be talked about, comment below!
P.S. Sorry for the rant, regular blogging will resume on Wednesday!
P.P.S. Don't like a picture-less post so check out these hotties:

Aww! Sorry that you had such a bad experience with them :( I've never really liked T&T to begin with. Thanks for sharing your experience!
Thanks Steph,
I have never been so annoyed with a supermarket before, it's ridiculous!
Thanks for commenting. :)
I do wish they would've had the Mint and Lemon flavours in the box, but I'll take w hat I can get! I mean, they did sell Mint and Lemon separately, but I need to save money. :P
Just read this rant... that's a pretty ridiculous price difference. Sorry you had such a bad experience :(
xo, alison*elle
Thanks. At least now I know where and where not to shop for My Beauty Diary masks. I hope other Vancouver/Burnaby residents find this rant useful too!
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