A month passes and now I find myself with 50+ followers. Now the number may seem small to you but it's very big to me.
I simply want to show my readers that I appreciate your time (ie. reading, commenting, skimming!) and if there's anything I can give back it's a few little goodies. Nothing special (all drugstore products) but it's free so who cares??!

Win an Annabelle Custom Quad Refillable Compact with FOUR mystery Annabelle Mono Eyeshadows, Wet n Wild Color Icon Collection in Comfort Zone, Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips Custom Eye Enhancing Gel CreamLiner for Hazel Eyes,C.O. Bigelow Mentha Organics Sheer Lip Tint in Sheer Rose, N.Y.C. Blushable Creme Stick in Berry New Yorker.
This giveaway is not sponsored by any brand. I purchased all the prizes with my own funds.
1) This giveaway is open to US/Canadian residents only. At this time, I can't afford international shipping but in the future I will include everyone possible!
2) You must be 18+ or have parental permission to give out a mailing address.
3) You must be a follower of Make Up Kismet. You can be an old follower or new!
4) You must leave a comment about anything.
(A few suggestions: What would you like to see on Make Up Kismet? What can I do to improve Make Up Kismet? What did you eat for dinner? What should I eat for dinner?!)
Please include your Google Friend Connect name and email address so I can contact you quickly. If you can't/won't leave your email address, I will announce the winner on the blog and you have 48 hours to respond. If you fail to respond, I'll choose another winner.
5) I'm offering three extra entries: Blog about my giveaway on YOUR blog (+1)
Include my giveaway on your blog sidebar and remember to comment below to tell me you did so with links back to your blog (+1).
Note: I will disqualify all blogs dedicated to giveaways.
This giveaway ends on June 30, 2011 at 11:59PM PST.
Again, the winner has 48 hours to respond or I will be forced to pick another winner.
I can't guarantee safe shipping so if the prize arrives busted up or doesn't arrive at all, I can't do anything about it. Blame the mail wo(men).
Good luck everyone :)
Interesting. I've never heard of the Annabelle brand before.
GFC- ThePowerFemme
email- thepowerfemme@gmail.com
Awesome giveaway! It is the thought, not the size, that counts
Hehe going to try my luck again :P Trying to find prizes are hard! I want to gather some for my blog's 2 year anniversary.
Hmm I would love to see reviews. But anything would be great =]
I posted it on my sidebar:
oooooooo I have wanted those gel liners forever!
I just LOVE your blog! Im happy to be part of the family! I have no suggestions to improve your blog except that I'd like to read more of your posts!
I posted on my blog and on my sidebar (its in french) Its dedicated to improve women's overall life with recipes, health and beauty advices. http://guidefemmeparfaite.blogspot.com/2011/06/un-petit-concours-sympa-pour-celebrer.html
Thanks for this giveaway!
I think this is a great giveaway. Personally I love FOTD post and swatches.
GFC Snooglerat
Great giveaway!
GFC: D.Sadie
Email: dgsbeauty@gmail.com
I am a follower.Right now I am eating some popcorn, I think you should make yourself some too!
I'm a bit of a makeup junkie. Especially anything that adds shimmer or makes my makeup last longer.
angiewith3 at live dot com
PS I'm a new follower through GFC (#69 Angie)
is that the WW comfort zone palette?! *squeals* lol! i want that so badly and i keep checking walmart to see if they have it in stock, but sadly they don't have it here in Ontario :(
random comment - i had some yummy dumplings for dinner today :9
google follower name: Jenny
theskinniegenes at gmail dot com
thanks missy!
How about some avocado on a toasted baguette with some sliced campari tomatoes and sprinkle some herbed sea salt? I just ate that and I'm LOVING it!
GFC: Christina
Hi~ I'm a new follower here :)
The WnW comfort zone palette looks great! I wish that it'll reach Canada soon ^^ I'd like to see more DIY posts so that you can show us ur creativity! I love stuff like that~ keke I like your blog layout and stuff. It looks really neat, clean, and is easy to navigate through.
GFC: CinnaBunnie
email: cinnabunniee(at)ymail(dot)com
I posted on my blog: http://cinnabunnie.blogspot.com/2011/06/giveaways-that-you-should-enter.html
and have it on the side bar (bottom left): http://cinnabunnie.blogspot.com/
Great giveaway!!
I just followed your blog: CrystalLuvz
I've been wanting to try the PF gel cream liners. I have them in the pencil forms and I love them!
Made a sidebar post about your giveaway: http://crystalluvz.blogspot.com/
Email: crystal_luvz (at) hotmail (dot) com
Great giveaway :) I think I meant to enter this earlier but I was at work. :p
GFC: samebrightsky
email: samebrightsky at yahoo
I added your link on my sidebar :)
I really like your Hada Labo reviews :) Skincare is fun and exciting! lol
The wet n wild palette is an obvious big win in this giveaway but I also covet the NYC blush. I've read a ton of good reviews on it!
You should eat spaghetti bolognese, because it's my favorite meal. 8D
My GFC is Eden-Avalon Celeste-Deamone
Annnnnd I added your link on my sidebar at
I'm going to eat spaghetti for dinner :D
Thanks for holding this giveaway.
I'm following through gfc as J. My email is tiffanyy.c@hotmail.com
:O enter mee! lol if i won you'd only have to pay intra-city shipping, i wonder if they even have that....
i'm eating fried rice right now (: with korean bbq sauce and the seasoning from an instant noodle package that i saved.
GFC - Kristine Ayala
Email - Kristine.Kristal@gmail.com
Nice giveaway and blog :-)
I never tried Annabella makeup. I'm interested in trying that.
I posted your giveaway on my sidebar.
Congrats on 50+ followers!
GFC: dowantmakeup
Can I just say that the weather we've been having in Vancouver in bumming me out? It doesn't feel like summer at all!
Well I love drugstore products just as much as high end products :)
GFC: 0hMiliGee
email: miliangoz2 at yahoo dot com
blogged about your giveaway here: http://0hmiligee.blogspot.com/p/giveaways-and-stuff.html
hmm I love love love fries dipped in honey mustard :)
xyoulovekarlene is my GFC
I'm new too your blog and love it already! I would love to be entered in your give away.
GFC: Pretty J
E-mail: janel20637@aol.com
New here but looks like a keeper :)
GFC: auntmissy321 (Marissa)
email: auntmissy321 at yahoo.com
I am a follower! GFC Vintage Makeup
Email vintagemblog@gmail.com
I'd love to see more swatches on your blog :)
I have added the photo to my sidebar & linked it. Thank you! :)
I am a NEW follower via GFC: Miss Tapia
I'm really liking your blog so far =)
I posted the giveaway on my sidebar: http://misstapia.blogspot.com
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